免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA) News

随着联邦学生援助免费申请(FAFSA)的变化, 澳门新葡京博彩 will work to keep students informed.


  1. + May 8, 2024: Focus on 2024-25 FAFSA completion rates

    The U.S. 教育部 (ED) has announced the launch of a program that would allocate up to $50 million to stakeholders working to boost 2024-25 FAFSA completion rates.

    The focus of the next phase of the “FAFSA Support Strategy,每个部门, is to “grow capacity” that would enable school districts, 国家机构, 非营利组织, and other educational-based organizations to expand their availability and outreach to support students and families in completing the revamped form.

    The new program comes amid concerning FAFSA completion trends. 根据 National College Attainment Network (NCAN), FAFSA completions for the class of 2024 have not caught up with previous enrollment cycles and while the gap in recent weeks has been closing, 完工率仍下降24%.与上一学年相比增长了3%. 财政援助管理人员 表达了重大关切 about how the glitches and shifting timelines associated with the 2024-25 FAFSA rollout could impact students.

    教育署指出,这些资金可以用于增加晚间课程的可用性, weekends, 还有夏天. 另外, 这些资金可用于促进与FAFSA提交诊所相关的后勤工作, 比如运输成本, 或者支持帮助学生完成FAFSA表格的交流活动.

    根据该部门,机构学生信息记录(isir)来自8个以上.95 million applications have now been transmitted to schools, states, and scholarship organizations.

    国务院还指出,它在解决这一问题方面取得了“重大进展” 已知的问题 ,并提醒利益相关者,现在有一个 新的临时进程 允许没有社会安全号码(SSN)的申请人和缴款人填写表格.

  2. + May 1, 2024: For those without a Social Security number

    来自美国.S. 教育部:

    Applicants and contributors without a Social Security number (SSN) can immediately access the online FAFSA form and submit the form after creating a StudentAid.政府账户. The department is temporarily allowing individuals without an SSN 填写FAFSA表格. Students and contributors must manually enter their tax information. Students without an SSN must verify their eligible noncitizen status through their school before they receive any federal funds. These changes streamline the process for students who have contributors without an SSN to complete their FAFSA form.

    This temporary allowance for those individuals without an SSN, 填写FAFSA表格, 只有在没有社会安全号的人的IRS数据检索问题得到解决之前才可用. 该部门正在制定解决方案,并将尽快公布最新情况. The department will continue to work expeditiously to complete the manual validation process for those without an SSN. 该部门致力于确保所有学生和家庭, regardless of their background can equitably access the FAFSA form.

  3. + May 1, 2024: Reprocessing and student corrections

    来自美国.S. 教育部:

    The U.S. 教育部 completed reprocessing FAFSA forms impacted by 已知的问题 with the FUTURE Act Direct Data Exchange (FA-DDX) and has now transmitted the Institutional Student Information Records (ISIRs) from more than 8.300万份FAFSA表格寄给学校、州和指定的奖学金组织. 除了, nearly 1 million corrections have been successfully processed, addressing the most common issues with FAFSA submission.

    Whether resulting from a new submission or a correction, applicants’ ISIRs are now being sent to schools and states within one to three days of submission.

    The department has now delivered the reprocessed ISIRs of nearly all impacted records to institutions and states. The completion of reprocessing of FAFSA forms affected by 已知的问题 with both the FA-DDX and FAFSA Processing System should enable all institutions to package aid offers, 包括那些选择等待所有重新处理的记录再进行程序的机构. The department is also emailing applicants and their contributors who still need to make a correction to the form or have started but not completed their form.

  4. + April 26, 2024: New video and support resources available

  5. + April 26, 2024: Checking status of FAFSA forms

    来自美国.S. 教育部:

    您可以查看2024-25年度的状态 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA)表格

    1. 登录和
    2. 在状态中心“我的活动”下查找您的应用程序状态,,如果您已经开始或完成了FAFSA表格,则在登录后显示.

    The status of your FAFSA form will be one of the following:

    • Draft: Your section of the FAFSA form is incomplete.
    • 在进行中你已经同意了, approval, and signature to your section of the FAFSA form, but the FAFSA form has not been submitted yet.
    • In Review: Your FAFSA form was submitted but hasn’t been processed yet.
    • 行动要求:您丢失了您的同意和批准或签名或FAFSA表格已处理, 但需要进行修正.
    • Processed: Your application was processed successfully. 无需进一步操作.
    • Closed: Your FAFSA form was never submitted and can no longer be submitted because the federal FAFSA deadline passed.

    If you submitted a paper 2024–25 FAFSA form, you can check the status of your form once it has been processed.

    To check the disbursement status of your federal student aid, contact 澳门新葡京博彩’s financial aid office at financialaid@laibuying.com.

  6. + 2024年4月26日:FSA id

    来自美国.S. 教育部:

    The Federal Student Aid (FSA) ID (account username and password) allows individuals to access Federal Student Aid websites and complete the FAFSA form online.

    For the 2024–25 免费申请联邦学生资助 (FAFSA) form, students and contributors (parents or spouses) are required to have an FSA ID to complete and sign the form online.

    For the 2023-24 FAFSA表格, 你不需要有FSA ID来填写和提交表格. 然而,这是签署申请并处理申请的最快方式. It’s also the only way to access or correct your information online or to prefill an online FAFSA form with information from your previous year’s FAFSA form.

    If you don’t already have an FSA ID, you can 创建FSA ID.

    If you have an FSA ID but don’t remember your username, select “忘记了用户名.注意:如果您在创建帐户时验证了您的电子邮件地址或手机号码, 您可以输入您的电子邮件地址或手机号码,而不是您的用户名.

    If you have an FSA ID but don’t remember your password, select “忘记了密码.”

    参与者: If you previously created an FSA ID when you were a student, you don’t need to create another one. 您只能有一个FSA ID.

    Note: 学生仍然可以选择以PDF格式填写表格,然后打印并邮寄FAFSA表格, 但这个过程要慢得多, and it is more difficult to correct mistakes after submission.

  7. + April 26, 2024: Late receiving a FAFSA Submission Summary? 不申请

    Students should receive a FAFSA Submission Summary one to three days after submitting their application. 那些没有收到摘要的人不应该重新申请,而是按照以下步骤进行:

    1. 登录学生援助网站.使用您的联邦学生援助(FSA) ID(帐户用户名和密码).
    2. 导航到仪表板.
    3. Select your processed FAFSA submission from the “My Activity” page; this will bring you to the “Details” page.
    4. 选择“查看FAFSA提交摘要”.”

    如果你提交了纸质的FAFSA表格, you can check the status of your application once it is processed.

  8. + April 26, 2024: Six things to check on FAFSA Submission Summary

    After successfully completing their FAFSA, students should review their FAFSA Submission Summary.

    学生提交2024-25年度FAFSA(并提供有效的电子邮件地址)后一至三天, the student should receive an email letting them know that they have a FAFSA Submission Summary to review. After you receive the email, you can log in to your account at StudentAid.gov 检讨摘要. If you didn’t receive (or missed) the email, 但已经提交了2024-25年的FAFSA, 你可能需要登录你的账户,看看你是否有摘要.

    The FAFSA Submission Summary has four tabs:

    • 资格概述
    • FAFSA表格答案
    • 学校的信息
    • 下一个步骤

    当你回顾这些标签的时候, 以下是你应该做的六件事, 记住, 你可能需要在一些事情上采取行动:

    1. Find out your eligibility for federal financial aid. “资格概述”选项卡显示了您的申请收到和处理的日期, 以及数据发布号(DRN), 你可以用它在你的申请中添加大学(通过联系 联邦学生援助信息中心 或者大学). 这个标签上也会有你估计的联邦学生援助和你的学生援助指数. 在你收到学校的经济援助offer之前,这个金额不会是最终的, but knowing your federal financial aid eligibility may help better plan and select a college that is affordable to attend.
    2. Determine if you need to act for your FAFSA to be fully processed. Also, 在“资格概述”选项卡下, you could receive a notice that you need to provide some additional information for FAFSA to be fully processed and your eligibility for federal aid determined. You’ll want to respond quickly so that you can receive any financial aid for which you’re eligible.
    3. Check to see if you are selected for verification. 使用新的2024-25年FAFSA表格, 这样就不需要进行验证了, 但是如果你被选中了, you’ll see an asterisk by your Student Aid Index (SAI). 被选中进行验证并不一定意味着你做错了什么. You may have just been selected at random and some colleges verify the FAFSA information of all students. Your college will contact you and ask for additional information. 一定要迅速回复,以获得你有资格获得的所有经济援助.
    4. 检查并纠正任何错误. 在“FAFSA表格答案”选项卡下, you will see the information you provided and, 如果适用的话, any information provided by your contributors. 来自美国国税局(IRS)的联邦税务信息将不会显示. Review the information and correct or update any of the information.
    5. 比较你的FAFSA上列出的大学,如果需要,添加或删除大学. 在“学校信息”选项卡下, 你会看到你选择的那些大学收到你的FAFSA信息. 如果有大学遗漏了, if you’ve decided you want to consider another college, or if you want or remove a college from your list, 你现在就可以这么做. Also, FAFSA提交摘要的这一部分将提供有关每个学院的更多信息, 比如毕业率, 保留率, 年平均成本, so you can compare them and decide which is the best fit for you.
    6. 确定你是否需要采取一些下一步的步骤来处理你的FAFSA. 在“下一步”选项卡下,您将看到与您的FAFSA有关的任何评论. Those comments may just be informational or could require you to submit a correction or send additional documentation to the college you plan to attend.

    If you take any action on your FAFSA Submission Summary, 比如再增加一所大学, 改变的信息, 或者纠正错误, make sure you hit “submit” so the 教育部 will process the FAFSA again and the colleges you listed on the FAFSA will also receive the updates.

  9. + 2024年4月26日:联邦学生援助网站的维护计划

    The U.S. 教育部 has an outage planned for the StudentAid.gov website for the early morning hours on Saturday, April 27.

    The website is set to undergo maintenance from 2 a.m. to 6 a.m. The impact for students is expected to be minimal.

    An alert will be posted on the site’s home page, 登录页面, and landing pages to notify users of the site maintenance.

  10. + 2024年4月19日:为西班牙语社区提供新的资源

    The U.S. 教育部 hosted a webinar in Spanish for students, 他们的家庭, and organizations that support Spanish-speaking communities. 我们的团队概述了完成和提交2024-25年FAFSA表格的过程. The 记录, which includes English subtitles, is available now on the Federal Student Aid (FSA) Outreach YouTube channel.

    该部门还宣布增加FSA信息中心, a student support hotline for questions about the FAFSA form. 数字是1.800.4.FED.AID.

  11. + 2024年4月17日:学生将被通知需要更正FAFSA

    周四, April 11, the 教育部 began notifying students of needed corrections to their FAFSA applications. These notifications will be made incrementally. 更多的学生可能会在未来几天或几周内收到通知. A tutorial on making corrections or changes can be found here.

  12. + April 15, 2024: Complete your FAFSA forms


    FAFSA的变化旨在简化申请流程, expand eligibility for federal student aid, and reduce barriers for some student populations. These changes have caused a delay on the federal level with the U.S. 教育部.

    由于这些延迟, it is possible that students have not yet received information on whether their applications were received or completed properly. They are urged to stay patient as updates are expected soon.

    联邦学生资助, 包括佩尔助学金, 学生贷款, 以及联邦勤工俭学计划, is available to Polk State students and prospective students with a high school diploma or general education degree (GED). 国家和机构的财政援助资金也可通过FAFSA获得. 联邦高等教育紧急救济基金(HEERF)计划将于2023年5月到期, HEERF资金将不会用于2024-25学年或以后的学年.

    澳门新葡京博彩的FAFSA学校代码是001514. 有关如何申请的信息可以在 在这里找到.

    Students with questions about financial aid can email financialaid@laibuying.com. More information about financial aid can be found here.